Frequently Asked Questions


  • Handle with care as the medicines come in glass bottles.
  • Keep the medicine out of reach of children, in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and strong odors.
  • Store below 30 degrees Celsius and in the packaging provided.
  • Shelf life (Three years from date of manufacture)

2. How to consume Homeopathic medicines?

Administer the dose directly on the tongue or in half cup water fifteen minutes before or after meals. It is recommended to mix the medicine, by stirring it with the help of a clean spoon, twenty times clockwise and twenty times anti-clockwise, before administering the dose. This enables the medicine to blend with the water medium completely.

3. How do Noble Life Energy Homeopathic complexes work on the body?

  • The action is at the cellular level where they act as a catalyst to the natural healing process and restore the natural energy balance of the body. T
  • his improves the osmosis at cellular level and the cellular debris gets removed, resulting in the optimum uptake of oxygen supply and other nutrients by the cell. 
  • The cell and tissues get rejuvenated and the natural vitality of the body is restored.

4. How to use Noble Detoxifiers?
We recommend to use the detoxifiers daily, seven detoxifiers for seven days of the week, so that each day, one of the draining organ is activated to start performing the detoxifying process. One complete course will approximately take one month to finish. 

For Mild Toxicity – Complete one full course of

For Moderate Toxicity – Complete two
courses of Detoxification with a gap of one week in

For Severe Toxicity – Complete three
courses of Detoxification with a gap of one week in

It is recommended to carry out the detoxification process at least once every year depending on the severity of the toxicity. The detoxification process is safe for all age groups. You can continue with your regular medications during the detoxification process.